
Thursday, August 17, 2017



                             Zara times

 What I have recently learned on mathletics 

I have recently learned on mathletics that the improper fractions on a number line task is not as hard as I thought it would be . I asked for a little bit of help from my teacher and she gave  me some success criteria that I could follow . The success criteria made it much easier for me to get the task done . The success criteria was :
#1 Look at the whole number ?what makes a whole ( the denominator )
#2 how many wholes are there ?
#3 count up the extras
#4 and then add them on

This success criteria showed me what I  needed to do in order to get that I needed for TEAM NZ on mathletics . It helped me a lot .



  1. That's super, Zara, I'm glad you're confident with this now.

  2. I like how you used a news paper set up and had a picture to help explain .
